The Art of Offwidth Clinics
with Pamela Shanti Pack
The “Art of Offwidth” Climbing Clinics in Indian Creek
The Indian Creek Art of Offwidth Climbing Clinics take place twice a year in the Fall and the Spring.
Fall 2024 Dates: October 4-6th
The Art of Offwidth clinic was an absolutely amazing experience in so many ways – not all of them as obvious as one might think. Of course the climbing at Indian Creek is out of this world and the instructors took us to some of the best wide cracks in the area, but the quality of the instruction, the sense of camaraderie, and the realization that you’ve just made life-long friends was what really put it over the top for me. Pamela and her crew are not only true masters and professionals at what they do, but they are good and warm people who think, feel, and interact with the group like they’ve known everyone for years. This makes for an experience like no other in terms of integration of climbing passion, fun and laughter on and off the wall, and a strong sense of community that warms my heart even after the clinic is over. ~Justin
Thanks so much for taking care of me in my vulnerable moments trying to climb #6s. I’ve been reflecting a lot since I got home on women and how we support each other. You genuinely cared for me and never encouraged feelings of shame ever when I leaned that way myself, thank you my beautiful crusher friend. I didn’t want to cry the last day when you were up on First Blood with me for a small eternity. I couldn’t understand why I cried anyway when I got down, but I think it was really about being able to let my guard down in a way I never usually would; I wasn’t even aware of it! Ha. You’re the best and I’m grateful to you for teaching me real lessons in vulnerability. ~Jess
Thanks so much Pam and all of the instructors and help crew that made this magical offwidth clinic adventure an AMAZING experience. I’ll never forget this. ~Celeste
Thank you all for helping make this such a powerful experience for us! A huge Thanks to the incredible guides and climbers that assisted in this clinic, you guys are so knowledgeable and did a fantastic job. Thank you Gi especially for your kindness and attention, you are so wonderful! A massive Thanks to Pamela for putting this thing together. It was one of the most impressive climbing experiences I have ever had, and I have had a lot of them!!! You're an amazing person Pamela. ~Courtney
We were not just a disparate group of strangers climbing for a few days; Pam and Gisely very quickly helped us to bond together, creating an emotionally-safe and welcoming space for everyone. I had so much fun camping, hiking and climbing together with this crew! This was the first time in a long time that I felt safe being part of a group, where I could relax and be vulnerable. I felt accepted and loved by the group, and worked hard to return that same energy. Pamela and Gisely, in addition to being world-famous crushers, are amazing people. They each took the time to get to know each of us as individuals, directly spending time with us both on the ground and in the middle of a gnarly offwidth-crux. They both made it a point to get to know each of us, connecting as human beings and climbers, not just as client-and-guide. I grew to more deeply respect Pam and Gisely, for being so vulnerable to share their stories with us, to help create a safe and welcoming space for all us strangers that had just rolled into camp. It was a deep privilege to briefly be a part of this group; it was a once-in-a-lifetime event for me to try hard together at climbing with these awesome people. The joy that I felt in belonging with this stellar group of human beings was exactly in proportion to how damn hard the climbing was. This was recently the last time that I tried something hard for the first time. Even after rambles at Tahquitz and in the Sierra Nevadas, I freely admit that Indian Creek kicked my ass; this was definitely part of the desert magic that I felt blessed with. During particular rough moments, Pamela and Gisely not only provided expert technical instruction, but also provided the personal encouragement and reassurance that we all needed at one moment or another. In addition to the superior instruction that Pamela and Gisley personally provided, they surrounded themselves with an amazing crew of assistant guides. To an individual, all of our instructors were clear experts and are super fun people as individuals. I had a blast as we learned to enjoy the art of suffering in an offwidth. Pamela, Gisely and the whole guiding crew found the perfect area every day. They consistently provided multiple routes for us to work, providing a variety of challenges and different degrees of difficulty for us to work. I always felt physically safe and comfortable taking risks with these amazing climbers watching over us. I will remember this experience for the rest of my life, just like the friendships that we made during these few days. ~Big love to Pamela, Gisely and the whole crew! ~Brian
Thank you for everything. This clinic was far and away the best climbing instruction I’ve ever had. You and your crew really CARED that we learn something every day— and I certainly did! THANK YOU!!! ~Rebecca
Art of Offwidth was a fantastic clinic! 21 climbs in three days - Tons of new skills learning - How to properly tape for offwidth - Hand stacks, arm bars and chicken wings foot work, leg drive and counter pressure - transitions from technique to technique as the crack changes sizes - pacing and maintaining sustainable output - maintaining calm in the duress of challenge. One of my personal takeaways was the acceptance of capacity. I was able to find my edge with self compassion. I never got frustrated with the learning process. Instead, I engaged each new skill with curiosity so that my NS could adapt to the new challenging skills. I am so excited to progress in this Uber challenging climbing form. Thank you Pamela Shanti Pack for putting together a fun challenging clinic with a wonderful crew of climbers. ~Joseph
This was literally a highlight of my life!!! Thank you Pamela, Mike, Matt, David, Jason, Marcus and Gisely for being so generous with your time and knowledge! Thanks to all my participant peers for the same and for bringing the stoke and support! I cannot stop thinking about the chimneys and sticking my arms in every crevice I spot as I trot through Zion.. ~Alexandra
I attended the 3-day Art of Offwidth Clinic in Indian Creek with offwidth guru Pamela Shanti Pack this past October. The clinic was the highlight of my climbing season. Besides being some of the best offwidth climbers in the world my instructors were also great coaches. Each day we had numerous climbs set up where we could practice various offwidth crack techniques and get professional coaching in real time. I learned a plethora of tips and tricks during the three-day clinic and I climbed more desert offwidth cracks than I had in my previous 52 years of climbing. Prior to the clinic, I really struggled on offwidths despite devoting a lot of time to trying to climb wide cracks at Vedauwoo. I felt like I had nothing for technique and vertical progress was more a matter of chance considerable grunting rather than technique. Although I may never be the world’s best offwidth climber, I had three intense days to practice the movement and technique necessary to make vertical progress on wide cracks. I can now approach these types of climbs with much more confidence. As Pam promised, I can now bring some “grace to the grovel.” ~Chris
Art of off width clinic was full of both incredible climbing and people. I can not wait to make another trip out to Indian Creek. ~John
Absolutely phenomenal weekend learning the Art of Offwidth in Indian creek UT from the one and long Pamela Shanti Pack .Thank you again for the amazing clinic. It was transformative! I am so excited to take these new techniques out for a spin on my own, too. It was such a wonderful group of instructors and participants. I am smelling from ear to ear still! I signed up for the next clinic ready, I can’t wait for more OW climbing soon! ~Angie
Thank you for one of the best experiences of my life, truly. Your clinic was amazing. Although I’m a total newcomer to cracks, you guys made me feel welcome from the very first moment and you helped me gradated from “OH MY GOD” what do I do with this??!” to “OK, yeah, I can handle this” in only three day. Unbelievable! ~Erin
It is hard to explain the chemistry, inspiration, and magic in the air during this clinic. Offwidth is a challenging technique of rock climbing that requires one to have patience and endurance a bit of suffering to be successful. I think it brought together the perfect miss of super instructors with eager to learn students. I am thankful for the primary instructors Pamela, Gisely and Marcus, at the group of talented supporting instructors Mike, Matt and David. And of course the photographer who were there to capture the true moments of hard work, happiness and satisfaction. ~Candi
Having the clinic in Indian Creek was awesome. Indian Creek is a special place. To be up on those climbs, and to look out over those valleys and vistas, I connected to something deeper than just the rock itself. I can’t quite describe the feeling but, whatever it is, I love it! I would highly recommend this clinic for any climber interested in taking their offwidth/wide crack game to the next level. ~Chris